Sunday, May 1, 2011

No Half Marathon :-(

Well....the marathon was on Saturday and I did not participate. Reason being....hurt foot. Some of you follow me on twitter and facebook and you already knew, but wanted to let my blog know.  I was disappointed, but realized that despite not doing the half marathon I have accomplished alot.

  • Longest distance walked 8.4 miles
  • Walked 5-7 miles 2-3 times a week for the past couple of months
  • In pretty good shape if I say so myself
I wanted to give you an update on my weight....but since I have switched jobs (will write about on my other blog next) I realized I don't have access to a scale. Joining the gym at the university I work at and I am pretty sure they have a scale, so I will update you soon.

Blogging will pick up now that I am getting adjusted to my new job. Work and personal things have prevented me from blogging....but that has changed. I am back!!!!

Also....Just joined Black Girls Run group in Nashville. So excited!! Nashville's Women' Half Marathon is in goal. You never know, might actually jog (running.....maybe) it!!!


LC said...

Congrats on your accomplishments. Sometimes setbacks are just setups in disguise.

Marlee said...

Hey don't feel to bad, you've obviously come far from not even thinking about running a marathon! Be proud of what you've done, when the next one rolls around you'll be ready. You're an inspiration just keep up the good work!

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