Tuesday, June 22, 2010


Welcome to my new blog! Some of you might follow my other blog and others might actually know me in real life and decided to see what this was about....Well, yesterday on facebook this was my status:
okay....operation death of fat girl has started. No fried foods, no alcohol (pray for me!), and working out at least 5 times a week....Running Race for the Cure on October 9, 2010 and walking the Music City Marathon on April 30, 2011. With God and accountability it can happen....JESUS!!! What have I gotten myself into????
This status received various comments and encouragement so I decided to track my journey.  In my other blog I talked about my weight on occasion and one of my 30 things to do while 30 is to lose at least 30 pounds. As a way of accountability and a way to track my progess this blog was created.  I will give updates on goals, milestones, activities, recipes, and things that I do that work...and don't work to help me acheive my goal....death of fat girl!!!

I have been overweight the majority of my life, but as an adult I have become obese and this has to stop! Thank God I have had no health complications and through operation death of fat girl I want to keep it that way. I am open to suggestions and ideas and encouraging words along my journey!!

Thanks for reading and/or following!!! First post will be the beginning of my journey ;-)


Unknown said...

I am working losing weight myself so it would be nice to read about someone else going through the same thing...

Q said...

I have stated getting my workout on more lately...and making better eating choices. I applaud you for taking on this challenge...and for stepping up to this level of accountability!

Christine A Mayo said...

Congratulations Sis on your weight loss journey, I pray God will be with you every step of the way, you see with man's ablity , some things are impossible , we go up and down in our weight loss, never trully being free, I am on a weight loss journey myself, My starting weight was 284 lbs and I cried like a baby in the doctors office, when I got off the scale, it was a shock and wake up call, so with my docotors help, and guidence and the God of my salvation, I will be a winner this time, the battle , starts in the mind, if we can conquer our mind set we can have our hearts desire! With Gods help we can trully be free from all bondages, weight gain is a mask of protection for what is really eatting at us, get real with yourself and you will trully be free! start a
journal, with your secret thoughts, some you tell, some you NEVER tell, just between you and God. My weight now is 260lbs , small steps , but I am stepping! I am following you ! have a blessed day!

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