This morning I woke up early and caught a glimpse of the Dr. Oz show and saw the woman who chronicled her 100 day workout journey. I thought that was a great idea. So I thought about how I can use this to motivate me.
My last do to visit was not great. Health was good.....weight not so much. Eating better workout sucks so how can I change this? Well here are some options I thought about :-/
1. Force myself to write in this blog daily like I do my random thoughts? I truly make myself write there rather I feel good or bad
2. The video diary? Not me, but then I think seeing myself on the journey might help?
3. Maybe a picture diary? Daily picture of me? Just not my face (face pics have been a staple since I have gained so much weight) a chronicle of how I look and if there is change
4. Take my mom up on her offer seriously....she has offered to pay off one of my student loans if I have visible weight loss by is great motivator
5. Accountability partner? This hasn't worked in the past just of my schedule and just my issue with people in general
Well....that's all I got for now :-/ we shall see....
Hopefully there will be more post on here often!
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