Losing weight has been a long struggle for me. Growing up I was never huge, but I was never little either. I think in college is when the weight first started getting out of hand. Starting with the "Freshman 15," not having home cooked meals often, and being an emotional eater while going through a lot of things while in college lead to the majorityof my weight gain. I think I was around 190 pounds when I left for college, during college think I got up to about 250 pounds, then as an adult I got up to 300 which is about where I have stayed for the past few years.
I attempted to exercise in college, but nothing consistent. As an adult I have had gym memberships, gone to classes, got a personal trainer, bought the lose weight in 6 weeks kits, tried the acai berry pills....shall I keep going? Everything I have done I have not done long enough to get long term results and I never really had accountability while doing them.
I have had to find my own path to losing weight. My mother use to always say something about my weight and it became (and still is) very irritating. I had to make up in my mind that I had to do it and sad to say I can't depend on others to help me do it. I mean I am thankful for the encouragement and the people who have offered suggestions, but I have to do this my way. It might take longer and I might make mistakes, but I have to do what works for me.
Recently I went to a surgical weight loss seminar just to see my options. After attending I honestly still debated is this the best option for me. I didn't want the surgeries where they cut your stomach to shrink it, I just wanted the lap band...simple, not really messing with body organs, and can be reversed. But after weighing the advantages and the disadvantages I realized this was so not for me. Because in the long run if I am not willing to eat right and exercise any surgery that I have would would serve no purpose.
I am still trying to find my path to weight loss. So far it has been good, not easy, but good. I have not been perfect, but learning. Think I will do weekly updates with successes & failures, weight updates, and things I have learned.
Now it is time to pass out....attempted the elliptical machine after working out at my apartment's gym....I can't feel my legs. I told you all that machine was the devil!!!!
So glad you gave me the link to this blog! I have absolute faith in you. Yes, you will have to do this on your own, but I plan to be one of those encouraging you along the way. Love ya girl!
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