Monday, September 13, 2010

Vegan or Pescatarian.....that is the question

Recently I have been really looking at the things that I have been eating and how it is affecting my weight. I can admit a lot of times I do not have will power.  I think my biggest struggle is when I have nothing to do.....I eat.  One way to stop this is always staying busy, but I need to rest, I just don't need to pig out when I do.

In February when I attempted to do the Daniel's Fast I truly ate a completely vegan diet for close to 4 weeks, then I brought back in dairy products, then eventually added seafood back into my diet.  When I was completely vegan my weight loss was very noticeable, but don't think that is necessarily good. As I added bread, cheese, and milk back into my diet the weight loss slowed down. Once seafood was added not a big  change. 

So right now I am having the debate of becoming a vegan and eat no meat and no meat products at all....and this includes seafood or stick to being a pescatarian and continue to eat seafood, but no meat will be in my diet.  I don't think seafood is my is the cheese and bread that gets me. Plus I have to do thinks in moderation and I am so not good at that.

We shall see...Honestly I do not know what my choice is. I don't look at it as depriving myself, because I have found great recipes for several dishes under both choices, my problem is sticking to it.  We shall see....


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