Friday, October 15, 2010

Working Out

I have to get better at posting here.  I am still working out and attempting to eat better.  One set back has been a severe sinus infection and the weather. I love walking and jogging outside, but the weather is changing and it is making me sick :-(.  Plus the other day I guy attempted to set a few businesses in my area (right at the end of my walking route) on fire and he was out and had not been caught....decided not to chance walking that morning.  I am now going to have to step up my indoor workouts in the mornings. Here are my options.

  1. I have a few exercise DVDs at home, but honestly they do not motivate me.
  2. My apartment has a workout area, but it is not the best. There is one treadmill that works great, but it is usually taken when I go in :-(
  3. Could invest again in joining a gym or YMCA, but that is money that I rather not spend right now.
  4. My company has a free workout area, but that would mean getting up and being ready to go to work by 5 or 6am and workout before work....not a fan of public showers and lockers.
One thing I did do is invest in a small workout stepper for my apartment that I can do at home.  Wish I could fit a treadmill in my apartment....but then I would have no space. So I recently purchased a Cardio Twister.

This machine can fit in the corner in my bedroom, I can watch tv while I work out and I will have no excuse for not getting up and doing something, because it is right in my room.  It should be delivered today and I hope I can put it together correctly.  We shall see how this goes.

Oh...weight is going down a little, weighed in yesterday and I was at 288, I need to step it up. 


LC said...

Congrats on your loss!If you took advantage of your work gym, could you workout after work? That way you could workout and go home and shower.

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