Monday, February 7, 2011

Guess What????

I FINALLY stopped being a punk and signed up for half marathon training. I decided on Friday and went to workout with the group on Saturday.....WHOA! All I can say is that I survived. We did 5 miles in the Brentwood area, it was cold, hilly, and windy. But the point is I FINISHED!!!!

Considering they had been training for a month I did not do too bad. There were only a couple of other walkers, but I kept up pace.  Although my body was in pain the rest of the day (and still some today) I made it. 

This is going to be a challenge for me, but it is a great way to get Operation Death of Fat Girl back on track. I had gained some weight since the accident and the holidays because I was not working out as much and not eating right, but in order for me to finish the half marathon in April I am going to have to do both on a consistent basis.

I am walking with Team Rio which is helping raise funds for Big Brothers Big Sisters of Middle Tennessee an organization that I mentor with. If you would like to make a donation to help support the organization and I would be greatly appreciative :-) You can donate here.

I will update you all on my progress! Please pray!!! My two goals are two finish and not passout!


LC said...

Way to take charge, get back on track and sign up! You will do great!

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