Friday, June 25, 2010

No Excuses!!!

Okay it is a rough morning for me....I so do not want to work out. Yesterday I took a break and I want to take another break today...but I can't. What is funny yesterday I was reading one of my favorite blogs thegayte-keeper and he wrote a post on excuses for not exercising.  I have used the majority of them...and this morning the majority of them are going through me head.  I am tired, need to get to work early, my Ipod is messing up, my head hurts....just to name a few.

Well....I am ignoring those excuses and getting out and workout this morning. I am going to try to jog more today.  Next week I am going to increase my walking path. Hopefully by the beginning of July I can be up to 4 miles and then on my way to running (JESUS!!!).  October 9, 2010 is around the corner to me and for me to able to run...not walk a 5K I have a lot of work to do.

I was supposed to go grocery shopping last night...did not happen, but I did start planning my meals.  I also looked at some health suggestions on the food pyramid. The mypryamid is a good way of seeing what you are supposed to be eating and to see what is good for your weight and workout level.

Also...this weekend I am going to attempt to tackle....

the elliptical machine!!! I consider this machine evil and needs to be destroyed. I can go no longer than 2 minutes on it at a time...we shall see.


Q said...

i <3 the elliptical! :)

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